Saturday, October 23, 2010

Mama Mia!

So after I return from Napoli I then go to school two whole days in a row! It's basically a record. Then Wednesday I missed school again because I had to go with Antonio to Catanzaro to get my residence permit. Ugh! Talk about a pain in the butt! So first we drove all the way to Catanzaro and then walked quite a way, uphill on the cobblestone streets (seriously who has that much time on their hands where they're like...Oh lets glue a whole bunch of little stones to the ground and lay them in different designs for different sections for all the streets in the entire city it will only take forever!), passing little shops and yelling people, until we got to the police station. And then they tell us that the immigration office is somewhere else! So we have to walk back to the car, and then drive to another part of the city and we get in and find out that we need a certificate from the school I'm attending here. So I wait almost 2 hours at the immigration office where nobody speaks a word of English (which I found strange since they're working with in...foreigners...), while Antonio drove all the way to Lido and went to the school to get a certificate. Then I had to get my fingerprints and stuff done. Then they sent us to ANOTHER office where I had to get more pictures and then hand prints. It's ridiculous. What is this world coming to? Anyways, after all of it I was both physically and emotionally drained. It's very tiring when people are yelling at you in Italian and all you can do is stand there and look like a total idiot. When we got home I helped Antonella in the store for about an hour (more like just followed her everywhere), and then we ate a spaghetti lunch, and I went to sleep. I meant to only close my eyes for like 15 minutes. But instead I found myself waking up and looking at the clock, "$#!$%&#$%!! It's 4:00! I slept for 2 hours!" whoopsies. But I was so tired. I'm always tired. Siiiiiiiiiigh.
Today I went to school. And I found out that whenever I have french, or math,or this, or that, I have to go in with the second years! I'm so mad and confused, but mostly just super mad. I've been told a billion different things! First I was told I could take any classes I wanted. Then I was told to stay with Emanuela. Then I was told I may have to do drama. But so far there has been no drama. Then I'm told whenever we have Latin, I go somewhere else. But that never happened. Then I'm told whenever we have french I go somewhere else. Now this?! Ok seriously?! Ugh I wish I could yell at whoever had all these ideas. Like give one answer! And I ask but I never get an explanation or nobody knows for sure! AAAAAAAAAAGH! I am beyond any more words. I have nothing left to say except maybe some extreme profanity which I shall not write on my blog.
Anyways. Thursday during Phys. Ed, we did as we always do. Go to the back of an old building where there is a piece of marking tape strung across from the wall to a nearby tree used as a volleyball net, and we play unorganized volleyball which is basically just serve, and then watch the ball fly around for a second and then hit the ground. At least there's one teacher who actually likes me in this school and that's the phys. ed, teacher because I'm one of the more athletic ones there as far as I know. But yeah so the whole time we were playing I kept feeling this pinching in my....shirt........and it hurt! And then I stopped playing and I was standing with some other people and then right near my arm pit I felt a major pinch and I actually cried out and a scary looking ant/wasp thing flew away! It either bit me or stung me it was awful. But then I kept feeling the pinching in the other spot and I looked in my shirt and there was another one and I screamed and like ran around to the other side of the building and basically did the funky chicken/truffle shuffle/samba/something else and freaked out. And I didn't see it fall out but it was gone. It must have bitten/stung me like 20 times, I'm not even exaggerating. Although you could never have been able to tell, there were no marks or anything. It had been stuck in there almost the whole class. I still shiver thinking about that....THING ugh! So horrible!
And that night I went out with Manu and Dory and we went to.....I think it was Francesco's house but I'm not sure...and Flavio was there as well as some other guy and a girl named Silvia and we went into this place that reeked of cigarette smoke and was filled with guitars, and had a drum kit and a pretty deece sound system. And Francesco and Flavio and the other dude played several System of a Down songs, and some Muse, and Nirvana. Nobody else knew the songs and I knew all of them except the Muse one. I was quite pleased with myself.  It was fun. That's more my style. It was refreshing to do something like that again. Reminded me of a lot of times I've had with my friends at home.
Now, I need to go to bed because it's 11:00 p.m.


  1. Hey so I don't know for sure where I read it but I think System of a Down broke up... Don't know if you knew that or not but it pretty much sucks. Just thought I'd mention that. TTFN :D

  2. I sooooo feel your pain. When I first moved to Florida my roommate and I would have to camp out overnight in line on the streets of Miami( and not the cool part you always see on tv, but the really crappy part with lots of Cubans who had come over on the Mariel Boat Lift when Fidel emptied the prisons and told people if they want ed to leave.....well leave and you didn't know if the guy next to you in line was a murderer or just some nice guy hoping for a better life) so we could get into the immigration office on a first come first serve basis to have our work visas extended another year. Well, after a couple of years of that the hospital finally had a lawyer take care of it for us. I think they were afraid of a law suit from some nurse who got mugged or worse during her time in line! ANYWAY, I feel your pain! haha Life would be so much simpler if there were no boarders! Chalk it up to another tale to tell and another memory. As for the cobble stone streets....well, they didn't have pavement in the days when those roads were built.....and they still exist. Amazing. They are a pain to walk on, but oh, they have such character! haha
