Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Sono Nervosa....

Let's start with Sunday. Sunday I ate a light breakfast of cereal. And while I waited for lunch I dusted, vacuumed, and organized my room. And then we had a lunch of delicious pasta and some potato dish which was quite yummy. Here in Italy they eat a lot more starch and richer foods. But when we have tomatoes (which is often), they're always wonderful and fresh so it's good. And after that Emanuela and I retired to our rooms. I only meant to close my eyes for a little bit, but it turned out to be a lot. And then I ended up having quite a lot of things to be done on the computer that day, so I did that. I lost track of time and I ended up being in my room for quite a while. I felt bad. When I came out, Antonella and I sat down and, on Sundays, we either have a light supper or no supper since we're still full from lunch, so we sat down and she gave me a bowl of tea. A bowl. Of tea. As in tea, steaming and steeping in a glass bowl that I normally eat cereal out of. That's a lot of tea. So we had a bowl of tea and cookies. Alright.
After that I went downstairs with Emanuela for a bit and we watched some T.V. and then I went upstairs to take a shower and go to bed.
Monday. Wonderful Monday. This is the day where I was supposed to start switching classes, but that never happened. Which was fine with me by the way. But then at the last bock I received my "schedule" and it just ruined my day. I basically take Italian for like 4 or 5 hours out of 6 one day (at least that's what I saw.....Emanuela has my penciled schedule)! I don't know I won't rant too much about it here it will only make me angry. It takes a long time to explain. All I know is that they're just making things more complicated and putting me in random classes and I still understand nothing! How is this helping? Dunno.
Today was my first day with my new and "improved" %$#^%$*&^!#~#@!!! schedule. I actually cried. I CRIED! Not in front of anyone though. It's just so ridiculous and it was so stressful. I go into random classes where I don't know anyone and the teacher is blabbing in Italian and I just don't understand anything. So I look twice as stupid now because I'm in with younger students and I still don't get it. SO FUN. I had two french classes back to back (for some reason....?) and....biology?!?! Great. Biology in Italian. THAT'S going to help me lots, thanks guys.
Ok I will stop now before I can go on. But you get the picture.
Sono Nervosa (I am....nervous. But not nervous as in scared or anxious nervous...more like irritated, stressed, annoyed nervous, if that makes any sense at all)
Cheers everyone

1 comment:

  1. Once again, I feel your pain. And I thought things were inefficient here!! UGH! I am only happy to know that you don't NEED any credits from school in Italy to receive your graduating diploma from school in Canada. Just try to enjoy what you have and learn as much as possible. After this experience, life will seem easy!! haha
