Saturday, October 9, 2010

Trying Days

So the past few days have been...well...trying. Since I arrived here it's been an emotional roller coaster. Some days are great, and others, not so much. Coming here has made me realize already a lot more about myself and who I am, and how much my home means to me. I suppose I will always belong with my mountains, and trees that grow on their own accord and were not planted in neat little rows on purpose, and not to mention the fresh air. Here, the air is not so bad, only sometimes there is a mix of car exhaust  and garbage (mostly only on super duper hot days). But it also smells of the sea, which I do love.
People here are very wasteful. They don't recycle, and everyone buys cases of bottled water because you can't drink water out of the taps. And, worst of all (this kills me), people just take their garbage and throw it out the window or throw it on the ground. They don't care at all. And it's quite beautiful here and I'm like oh my God take some pride in where you live! Some places you walk by are just gross. There are old couches, and just household garbage just sitting there near the sidewalks! I mean, has anyone heard of garage sales, landfills, garbage bins and RECYCLING?! Everything is thrown out. Juice boxes, cardboard boxes, water bottles...everything.
Anyways back to where I was really going. So yesterday I went to school, I still felt like poop, but I went. However it turned out to be yet ANOTHER protest day, so me, Emanuela, Gregorio, Elenora and Kevin buggered off down town again. Except we did much less that day. We went to a lounge restaurant/pizzeria (except the pizzeria part is never ever open...? :s ) and ate a very yummy pastry. And then we sat, and I listened to everyone talk at hyper-speed in Italian. And we kept sitting. And then we sat some more. And then Kevin went off with Elenora on Elenora's bike to get Kevins' and we then migrated to a piazza, and we sat on a bench....for hour and a half. And I suppose it wouldn't have been that bad if I could actually talk to somebody, but I cant. So when you can't say anything, or do anything, it's frustrating and very maddening. Then we went BACK to the lounge place thing, ate another pastry and talked some more...and sat some more, but it was a little better. And then we walked back to where we take the bus to go back home. So I guess you could say that day was mostly just one of those ones where you just get irritated. Anyways that night I went out with Emanuela and Doriana (she comes back every Saturday and Sunday from University I finally figured out) to go "shopping" but we didn't really do that. we went to a couple stores, but they kinda sucked so we just drove around, which was ok for me because I got to see a bit more of Botricello. And that was Friday.
Today was not exactly the greatest. At all. I get to school, and first block is math. And I guess I missed the math test because I was sick, so she calls me to the front and sits me down at her desk, and hands me a piece of paper with a bunch of numbers in some sort of funky equation and a bunch of gibberish and wants me to solve it. I almost had a breakdown right there. I tell you I have a frustration problem. But seriously?! Every day I'm told I don't have to do any homework or write notes or anything, so I don't. I don't know what's going on anyways. But yeah and then I get to school and find that? Thanks. I felt like yelling at her (because she wouldn't understand anyways). She was looking at me like I was stupid. I wanted to say "You try going to a school where you have no clue what anybody says, and you're never given anything to do in class and ten some teacher hands you a piece of paper with a bunch of gobbledeegook on it and expects you to know it!" All I said was "Mi dispiace" meaning, I'm sorry. Then Manu spoke up for me. But still. On the last day of school maybe I'll blabber at the Latin teacher in English and see what happens. No I probably won't but you have no idea how tempting that is. I wouldn't say anything terrible. She always has awesome shoes. But she's mean and scary.
The rest of the day wasn't too bad. Like I said, emotional roller coaster.
Earlier this evening a lady selling clothes dropped by. They're really good quality clothes but she sells them for less. I got a really awesome sweater thing. There was another one I liked more, it was more my style, more hippie and it was wool and it would be something people at home wear. I loved it. You would've like it mom. But Antonella and Emanuela didn't like it, to that :(. I was sad about that. When I get home I'm going to Dawson City and buying a sweater like that. That's pretty much my next goal, aside from getting a pair of Ray Bans.
But now I'm going to go to bed I'm exhausted.

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