Thursday, October 7, 2010

Another Sick Day...Woot.

So today I feel worse than yesterday, and I really want to go to sleep but I can't because I'm too hot and my throat is bugging me too much. I can't decide whether or not I would rather be sick and be at home, or feel great and be at school......probably be sick and be at home. Believe it or not, I get more done with my life when I'm sick at home than when I'm at school. Staying at home isn't a waste of 6 hours out of my life. I can catch up on sleep, eat when I'm hungry, do more blogs, play some violin, do some exercises and whatnot. Anyways what I'm trying to say is I'm kinda wishing I could be sick almost every day (only minorly of course, just enough to be able to stay home). At school I can only understand a tiny bit of what the teachers are saying (but that's not least I know what subject we're supposed to be doing while I sit there doing nothing), and they don't give me work to do because how can they and why would they if I can't understand anything? Sure Emanuela could always help me but she is busy enough with her own work. Quite frankly, I'm rather angry with this whole school deal. Before I came here I was told I could take whatever classes I wanted. And then I first find out I have to attend a science school. Great. This will make me look like twice the idiot since first of all, I can't only not understand anything anyone is saying, but let's just say math, chemistry, and physics are not my best subjects (meaning that I SUCK at smart people subjects). I am an arts person. I am a soul person, an emotional person, and a person with a rather over-active imagination. To me, all this hoity-toity sciencey, proper calculations and formulas figuring every single thing to perfection I sometimes (most of the time) find very boring first of all, there's no imagination involved it's all brains and logic and common sense. Who wants all that (KIDDINNNNGGGG)? Anyways, as I was saying, it's not only boring and uncreative it's time consuming, unreasonably confusing, and half the time pointless (this mainly applies to the math section of things). And science can be interesting.....when you get to watch things explode and you don't have to do any work. I mean, yes without science, there would be many things we would not have (I suppose it's the same for math), so ok, yes it is good stuff, for those who want to do that sort of thing (unlike me). However I do still believe that some things should just be left alone, life needs a little mystery. Always. So attending this school, I feel like a bird who's flown into the wrong tree. I need flavour, I need colour, I need imagination and pure creation from the mind and with my hands, not out of a formula or calculation. To me, all this smart people stuff is bland, like a flat, bleak, constant grey, there's not a breath of fresh air in the place. But, like I said, some people enjoy it, so I will leave it to them, I won't question it, everyone is different. But like I said for me, I need colour and flavour and imagination, and a bit of mystery. For example, if I make a pot of soup, all I know is that I made the soup. I cut up all the vegetables, and it's very colourful, maybe the colours would look nice on the walls of a kitchen or something. Anyways, once it's ready all I know is that the soup is hot and it tastes good. I don't need to know why my soup is hot, I turned on the stove and put it on the element for a while and it got hot. I don't need to know about energy transfers and convection currents going on in my soup, that just ruins it. I just want my soup ok? It's yummy, it's colourful, and I had fun making it. Now that's some good soup.
Anyways I suppose I should stop ranting. As you can probably tell, school isn't really my favourite thing here, and that's all you really need to know about that.
But I'm going to try and sleep now,
-Mikeala (the bird in the wrong tree)


  1. By the way I hope you like my little upgrades I've made to my blog ;)

  2. Love the changes to your blog. So much easier for these old(ish) eyes to read and such a cool wallpaper!

    Love and miss you lots,


  3. Your upgrades are hard to make out exactly what the picture is; just from my perspective anyway, but good to see you are experimenting with it. I enjoyed your blog again. Great anaolgy - bird in the wrong tree. But what does a bird do... they just flit over to the next tree, whatever they have to do to get their needs met. Or they sing, claim their territory, send a message, communicate.
    get well. D

  4. If the little bird wants to find the right tree, perhaps it should sing of its desires to the other birds. One never knows what possibilities are available to them until they express their desires...
    I hope that you are able to fly again soon my little bird.
    And, I love the changes to your blog. Send some more pictures out when you can. It is so much fun to see things from the bird's eye point of view.

  5. Yes, I love your new background. Sorry you are still not feeling well. Is there no one to whom you can speak about your classes? I guess it is getting a bit late now. Are you on a semester system, or will you be in these classes all year? I can appreciate your feelings about maths and sciences. Try to consider though, that there has been MUCH imagination in the math and science worlds IE that has brought us the ability to do this....follow your blog and communicate with you via computer while you are half a world away. I appreciate your need for artful stimulation, however, and hope you will make your desires known to those who can help you meet those cravings and needs.(can anyone at the exchange organization be reached to discuss this with you? or a counsellor at the school?)

    I do hope you find the right tree soon, and when you arrive there, that your throat is feeling much better. Has anyone looked at it yet?
    Love ya

    Auntie Tami

  6. DUUUDE don't even worry birdy!!

    mia is in physics class. mia understands nothing in physics class. mia tells the teacher it's cuz she doesn't know spanish, but really, she just has no freaking clue!!! hahaha

    mia is also in math class. the same math that she's done in previous years. and mia understands nothing!!

    so no te preocuupes. :)
