Friday, September 17, 2010

The Past Three Days

Fewf!  I am whiped out!  There's so much going on in so little time it's hard to write stuff every day!
I will start with my third day at school.  I'm still getting used to the system.  Here, you stay in the same class with the same kids all day but the teachers switch instead.  And we go until 1 or 2 and then we go home for lunch and we have school on saturdays as well.  All I've used my notebook for is either doodling or fanning myself with (oh there is some math in there too)....since I can't understand anything.  It all just sounds like gobbledeegook right now.  Once in a while the teacher will say something to me and all I hear is "Mikeala fhdjfbdshjfhdfbdsgcdsbjfbdsfjs? hdjsfdlfdshfdslg!" and I go "ummmm..... (awkward smile and a shrug)" and then either Emanuela or Gregorio (one of Emanuela's friends, now one of my new buds) translates for me.  The teachers are either interested in me, or they don't want me in their class because I don't know what they're saying (well that's how it feels anyways).  The room is always so hot you feel like you're suffocating.  I love heat but this is almost uncomfortable, especially in the afternoon!  And by the time we come home from school I'm ready to sleep.  I'm still not used to the time change (9 hours) so I'm very tired.
So far, every day except for today we have had some sort of pasta and it's always amazing.  Yesterday we had spaghetti with bacon and eggs mixed in.  Now that may sound strange, but it was sooo good!
The other night Antonella (my host mother) and Antonio (my host dad) were very busy and too tired to cook so Emanuela and I went out with some of her friends for pizza and it was the most amazing thing ever!  I can never go back to eating American pizza.  The crust is super thin and crispy and it's not all greasy like at home, and there were kalamata olives on top which was very yummy!  All of the food is yummy!
Emanuela's frieds are very nice.  The two that I met both smoked (almost everyone here does).  I don't totally know their names.  One was Franscesco and the other one I think was....Flavio.....?  Then this other crazy guy (I have no idea what his name was) met us and he was pretty cool.  He was very eccentric.  So far he is the only Italian I know who doesn't listen to techno or anything.  Instead he listens to Bob Dylan and Bob Marley and The Doors.  Whooot!  The first thing he said to me was "bella sorella" which means beautiful sister hahaha.  I thought that was...interesting :P
That night I also witnessed the strangest thing.  We all know how in Europe it is customary to kiss someone on both cheeks when you meet.  But apparently a kiss on the lips works to.  And I witnessed two guys do it!  And they both have girlfriends!  And Emanuela said it was normal.  I thought it was weird but..ok.  I suppose it's because back home you DO NOT do that.  Here everyone is more...liberal with...sexual behaviours.  It's difficult to get used to.
The bus is also another different thing.  It's like a city bus, so it's a lot nicer than our ugly ol' school buses.  And you have to pay for it which sucks.  And it's always sweltering.  There's never air conditioning.  And if there is, you barely feel it.  It's just so hot, all the time.  But for he people here it's medium.  Where I on the other hand, am dying.
Yesterday we had english class.  I'm pretty sure that's my favourite subject.  The teacher actually likes me haha.  And she made me get up and talk about where I'm from and when I said how cold it gets everyone gasped and a murmur swept through the room :P  It was kinda funny.
Anyways, I will write more soon and I will soon post pictures but there's so much going on right now.  It will be easier when things slow down and I'm not as tired.
Anyways ciao!


  1. i wanna come to italy just for the foood mmmmm

  2. MIKEALA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am sooo sorry I haven't written anything to you sooner but I've been really busy with school and dance and it's not really important lol but yeah. So is it right that you have school 6 days a week?! Are you picking up the Italian quickly? I'm so glad that every one is nice and I'm sure all the teachers are fine with having you in their classes :P. What is the temperature there? That guys kissing thing... too weird haha. Well I will hopefully talk to you soon!!

  3. Hi Mikeala
    It sounds like you are adjusting very well to your new circumstances and that is awesome. I know what you mean about the heat!!! I still haven't gotten used to it and I have been in Florida over 30 years. haha That is intersting about the boys kissing on the lips. he he I know they will do the cheek thing, but this is a new one on me. I hope you are about to get more rest this weekend. It is tough to change so many time zones! Drink lots of fluids in the heat too. Stay well and know we are thinking of you.

    Love Auntie Tami xoxo

  4. Hi. The pasta dish with bacon and eggs you speak of is common in some restaurants in Canada, even Boston Pizza tried it. I hear it is an excellent dish but they never get it right here. It is Carbonnera, from what I remember. Antonella's would be a far cry better than anything ever done here, I am sure. And yes, I am sure you will never want pizza here again after eating the real thing. It is amazingly different and better!

    Anyway, nice update, glad you are meeting other kids and the language isn't too much of a barrier. The jet lag only lasts a day or 2, so the heat must be wearing on you. Your system goes through a lot of changes to cope with major temperature averages. Enjoy it!, we are below 0 every morning now - but very beautiful, nonetheless. Glad things are better. Love you lots.

