Monday, June 13, 2011

Pasqua (Easter)

Alright, so The week after Manu's big birthday bash came Easter holidays. Nothing really super exciting happened, all the chocolate Easter eggs you get are A LOT bigger...and I ended up receiving 2 of this big honkin' things...they were more like dinosaur eggs or something.
Dark chocolate Easter egg


Giant Kinder egg

Kinder toy :)

Anyways, Easter here in Italy means just basically eating all the time and celebrating and lots of yelling. And that's exactly what we did. For Easter day we woke up and we were off to Mesoraca again for Easter lunch. I was very full.
Handshakes with Ida involves
pinching each other's cheeks

There was a random dog...with a diaper
I'm sorry this time there are no pics of the mother has some so maybe she could kindly send some to me to put up here for all to see that would be good :)
Thenn..nothing. We didn't do anything very special or out of the ordinary I guess you could say, although we were eating chocolate for a very long time after, as well as a very large selection of weird (and in my opinion, kind of gross) cake and pastries with boiled eggs randomly stuck inside.
Thank god my mom sent mini eggs....although the package with chocolate bunnies with caramel inside was already open...and I resisted for as much time as I could...but the thought of them sitting there in my closet just waiting for me to eat them finally became too I ate them. ;)

Now let's move on to Pasquetta which is the day after Easter which is celebrated by going out for lunch with friends or whoever you want. And so some of Antonella's family came over for lunch, Manu went out with her friends to the beach, and I went with some of my friends to a rather nice country house in the country-side (duh) where we dined on pasta and lasagna and meat and fries and all kinds of things...some people ended up getting a little intoxicated...and we also tried to play home-free even though everyone was 17 and older, I also talked to some cows too. It was a good time, and once again I ate way too much food. And when I got home, I went straight to bed even though it was about 4 in the afternoon. I was tired and full and I woke up around 7...and was up until 10 ish and went back to sleep.
Happy Easter Holidays everyone!

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