Friday, November 19, 2010

Where Do I Start? More Running? School? Epic New People? Scary Men? Or Tentacles In My Pasta...?

Let's skip ahead a few days, and start with the next time Manu and I hung out with Alessandro and Sebastian. There I was also introduced to another guy..but I forget his name. Anyways that day I discovered the Seb is a metal head. And that is all. Pretty much the only thing he listens to. Both him and the other guy. AND THEY DISSED THE DOORS!!!! I just about killed someone. You can't diss The Doors. It just doesn't happen. Wow. Anyways I also found out that Alessandro is a hard core classical piano player who studies with Conservatory, and he teaches both piano and singing. Deeece. So yeah. There is Seb and Alessandro for all of you.
Now let's jump ahead some more, to the last time Manu and I went running. It felt wonderful to get out and be active. Lately it's all been pretty good. I think going out with friends and stuff helps take my mind off what all my other friends at home are doing. It's been a little...dreamish. The days have been blurring together...I thought it was Tuesday when really it was Thursday one time....weird stuff. Anyways I haven't felt like crying in quite a while, I'm feeling a little lighter, a little more free. So anyways Manu and I went running. And it was dark out and there were stars in the sky and my heart was pumping happily and we were almost at the sea. Manu suggested we go swimming. And I said AWE YEAH!!! So we reached the beach and shucked off our shoes and shirts (the important things were still covered!!!) and we ran up and down up and down and screamed when a wave hit us. And really...I thought maybe I was in a dream...until two giant hulking figures silhouetted by the high beams of a car came towards us and gave us crap for going swimming when it was so "cold" and basically told us to go home. Way to burst the bubble much!!! So then we dried off our feet and put our shoes back on and ran home in wet clothes. Then we had a shower and went out for a while. A good day that was.
The next day, being two days ago, Emanuela and I ate lunch with Nonno (Their Grandpa), and we had pasta with sea creatures....pasta with tentacles...mmmm....? Salty and chewy. And kind of weird. But not bad. And I just realized that Nonno slightly resembles Junior off of the Sopranos. I know right Dad? It's pretty great.
So that's basically the main gist of things around here. Things are looking up a little more now. Maybe I'm starting to find my own little place here. I can kind of speak to people sometimes now..but it takes me forever. But oh well. I can say some stuff woo!
Anyways now I will go...I have some food to eat!
Cheers from Italy!


  1. hahahahahah "the important parts were covered!" hahahahah sounds AWESOME :)
    and thats weird mia had a tuesday thrusday mix up too!

  2. I'm glad that you are finding your place there. It will only feel more natural and enjoyable as time goes on.
    Love the swimming story! Sounds amazing and right up your alley.
