Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Walking on a sprained ankle is painful and...fun?!

So Sunday Manu and I decided we were going to go for a  run. It started off great we had our ipods plugged in and were jogging happily. And then a little over half way through, Manu trips and skins her knees on the sidewalk which was actually hilarious except for the skinning the knees part hahaah. So we kept on going and she got a bad stomach ache. And I know how she felt because when I was more into all the serious running I got horrible stomach aches when I was running and I was really tired. They're very painful and you just want to go to the bathroom or something. So we had to stop. You absolutely cannot keep going with those stomach aches...I would know. I've never met anyone with the same problem before. So we decided to do some sit ups. Then we just walked because we had to go since it was late but Manu was in too much pain to run. So by now it is dark out and we are walking and suddenly I step on something and I feel it move and wriggle and then squish and we can say it was too big to be a bug. I threw up in my mouth a little bit but I also screamed in surprise and disgust and jumped in the air and landed on the curb of the road, which wasn't flat. So I ended up coming down on my ankle horribly wrong and I sprained it quite good. I couldn't walk on it for a few minutes. And that night I was in so much pain. Every time I moved my leg. Anyways after our run we had showers and we went out with Gregorio, and some new people I recently met, Alessandro, Sebastian, Manuel, and some other guy whose name I always forget. I can't decide if it was fun or just down-right chaotic. The whole time at supper (we went out for pizza) everyone was throwing things and stealing each other's food and teasing each other and so on. Manuel was the worst. He bugged me a lot. He's pretty much an arrogant idiot. I ended up hitting him with an umbrella because he slapped my butt when we were walking!!! I was so mad that's so rude. So I just folded my umbrella and smacked him back. It was his own umbrella too...I was just borrowing it. Turned out to be quite handy. That night he added me on Facebook. I almost said no but I said Ok instead because I have no friends on Facebook. And he started talking to me and I just about shot him through the computer. So I gave him quite a lecture. And he's learned quite fast. Who knew you could train arrogant idiots? I talked to him again today and it turns out he has quite the taste in music. Who would've thunk?
 The next day my ankle was extremely swollen and ugly and huge. And of course this was the day Where I had to do the most walking. Great. I switched classes countless times and I always had to climb stairs. As well as taking a few extra trips down the hallway for bathroom etc. They smoke in the bathrooms its disgusting. Anyways. After school Emanuela and I went to the mall. By way of walking. And the mall is very far. Like...very far. Took us a good while to get there. And then when you're in a mall, you're walking a lot. And I needed clothes. So I did a lot of walking. I have been taught many shopping techniques from Manu. I feel quite pro.
And then after we were finished in the mall we had to walk a good distance to get to the place where we would be picked up. And after that we went to the supermarket. Where we walked. A lot. But even though I was in pain I had fun for the most part (not including school).
So I'm starting to cheer up again now. I think it helps when I go out and do things with friends. It takes my mind off things and I can keep my head in Italy instead of wandering back home for a while. But I can't rely on this as the only thing to help keep me here. I'm going to need to find something else. So now I'm off on a mission! Ciao

1 comment:

  1. Umbrellas are such a wonderful invention. There are so many uses for them.
    Sounds like fun times. I'm glad that you are doing things.
    Good luck on your mission!
