Friday, July 29, 2011


So about two weeks after school was finished all AFS students in Southern Italy were to gather at a small island called Ischia just a boat ride away from Naples. It was extremely hot and sunny every day. Sweating was a daily routine. The first full day after we arrived was spent mostly at the beach and by the pool side. That is where I received my second major burn...this time on my front. It was EXTREMELY uncomfortable...but luckily not nearly as bad as the first burn. The beach was gorgeous however.
The safety signs for emergency exit
..look like alien abduction signs
On the way to the beach


Ahh..the beach

Lovely isn't it?

Sun and sand

Walking in the waves



Just chillin' ...getting burned

Go Canada

That afternoon after lunch was full of activities and prep for leaving and going home, which was coming up very, very soon. It seemed strange. Seemed like just the other day we were being prepped for starting out.
Afternoon activities


Lindsay and Alyssa



Asuka and Sue-sue

Me and Alyssa

Amr from Egypt

Mmmm pasta

Tierneigh and a volunteer discussing
our "emotional curves" of the year
Those past four days were spent with friends under the sun. We had our share of games and activities and prep. And at the end, a few tears were spilt, but not many because we knew we'd see each other again for a day in Rome before the Big Departure. It was hot and I will never forget the people I met there.. <3
So cheers to our friends,

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