Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The Pages Of My Notebook - A Typical Day In Class


This is a little blurry but here's some math

More Math
I was craving a hamburger


Chem on the left, math on the right...I copied off of Gregorio

Pretending to do french

Also pretending to do French

More math that I copied

Ahhhh Philosophy

A little journal entry that is really supposed to be French but isn't

I work really hard

Lyrics to "Three Rounds And A Sound," by Blind Pilot. It's my new favourite song

A scribble that turned into Fred The Cloud
And supercalifragilisticexpialladoscious in Italian

Just doodles...I forget what class this was in
This is how Antonio and I communicate during Latin

I drew a picture of Tony
And Tony drew a picture of me

Sorry it's sideways...but it's Essere - the verb "To Be" in Italiano

So...this is what I do in school. Now you all know. It may seem nice and slack. But that doesn't mean it's fun. At least I can doodle. I like doodling. As you can see.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Where Do I Start? More Running? School? Epic New People? Scary Men? Or Tentacles In My Pasta...?

Let's skip ahead a few days, and start with the next time Manu and I hung out with Alessandro and Sebastian. There I was also introduced to another guy..but I forget his name. Anyways that day I discovered the Seb is a metal head. And that is all. Pretty much the only thing he listens to. Both him and the other guy. AND THEY DISSED THE DOORS!!!! I just about killed someone. You can't diss The Doors. It just doesn't happen. Wow. Anyways I also found out that Alessandro is a hard core classical piano player who studies with Conservatory, and he teaches both piano and singing. Deeece. So yeah. There is Seb and Alessandro for all of you.
Now let's jump ahead some more, to the last time Manu and I went running. It felt wonderful to get out and be active. Lately it's all been pretty good. I think going out with friends and stuff helps take my mind off what all my other friends at home are doing. It's been a little...dreamish. The days have been blurring together...I thought it was Tuesday when really it was Thursday one time....weird stuff. Anyways I haven't felt like crying in quite a while, I'm feeling a little lighter, a little more free. So anyways Manu and I went running. And it was dark out and there were stars in the sky and my heart was pumping happily and we were almost at the sea. Manu suggested we go swimming. And I said AWE YEAH!!! So we reached the beach and shucked off our shoes and shirts (the important things were still covered!!!) and we ran up and down up and down and screamed when a wave hit us. And really...I thought maybe I was in a dream...until two giant hulking figures silhouetted by the high beams of a car came towards us and gave us crap for going swimming when it was so "cold" and basically told us to go home. Way to burst the bubble much!!! So then we dried off our feet and put our shoes back on and ran home in wet clothes. Then we had a shower and went out for a while. A good day that was.
The next day, being two days ago, Emanuela and I ate lunch with Nonno (Their Grandpa), and we had pasta with sea creatures....pasta with tentacles...mmmm....? Salty and chewy. And kind of weird. But not bad. And I just realized that Nonno slightly resembles Junior off of the Sopranos. I know right Dad? It's pretty great.
So that's basically the main gist of things around here. Things are looking up a little more now. Maybe I'm starting to find my own little place here. I can kind of speak to people sometimes now..but it takes me forever. But oh well. I can say some stuff woo!
Anyways now I will go...I have some food to eat!
Cheers from Italy!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Walking on a sprained ankle is painful!

So Sunday Manu and I decided we were going to go for a  run. It started off great we had our ipods plugged in and were jogging happily. And then a little over half way through, Manu trips and skins her knees on the sidewalk which was actually hilarious except for the skinning the knees part hahaah. So we kept on going and she got a bad stomach ache. And I know how she felt because when I was more into all the serious running I got horrible stomach aches when I was running and I was really tired. They're very painful and you just want to go to the bathroom or something. So we had to stop. You absolutely cannot keep going with those stomach aches...I would know. I've never met anyone with the same problem before. So we decided to do some sit ups. Then we just walked because we had to go since it was late but Manu was in too much pain to run. So by now it is dark out and we are walking and suddenly I step on something and I feel it move and wriggle and then squish and we can say it was too big to be a bug. I threw up in my mouth a little bit but I also screamed in surprise and disgust and jumped in the air and landed on the curb of the road, which wasn't flat. So I ended up coming down on my ankle horribly wrong and I sprained it quite good. I couldn't walk on it for a few minutes. And that night I was in so much pain. Every time I moved my leg. Anyways after our run we had showers and we went out with Gregorio, and some new people I recently met, Alessandro, Sebastian, Manuel, and some other guy whose name I always forget. I can't decide if it was fun or just down-right chaotic. The whole time at supper (we went out for pizza) everyone was throwing things and stealing each other's food and teasing each other and so on. Manuel was the worst. He bugged me a lot. He's pretty much an arrogant idiot. I ended up hitting him with an umbrella because he slapped my butt when we were walking!!! I was so mad that's so rude. So I just folded my umbrella and smacked him back. It was his own umbrella too...I was just borrowing it. Turned out to be quite handy. That night he added me on Facebook. I almost said no but I said Ok instead because I have no friends on Facebook. And he started talking to me and I just about shot him through the computer. So I gave him quite a lecture. And he's learned quite fast. Who knew you could train arrogant idiots? I talked to him again today and it turns out he has quite the taste in music. Who would've thunk?
 The next day my ankle was extremely swollen and ugly and huge. And of course this was the day Where I had to do the most walking. Great. I switched classes countless times and I always had to climb stairs. As well as taking a few extra trips down the hallway for bathroom etc. They smoke in the bathrooms its disgusting. Anyways. After school Emanuela and I went to the mall. By way of walking. And the mall is very far. Like...very far. Took us a good while to get there. And then when you're in a mall, you're walking a lot. And I needed clothes. So I did a lot of walking. I have been taught many shopping techniques from Manu. I feel quite pro.
And then after we were finished in the mall we had to walk a good distance to get to the place where we would be picked up. And after that we went to the supermarket. Where we walked. A lot. But even though I was in pain I had fun for the most part (not including school).
So I'm starting to cheer up again now. I think it helps when I go out and do things with friends. It takes my mind off things and I can keep my head in Italy instead of wandering back home for a while. But I can't rely on this as the only thing to help keep me here. I'm going to need to find something else. So now I'm off on a mission! Ciao

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Straining To See Light In The Dark

So Halloween just ended and Christmas is beginning to enter conversations and it makes me think of home more than ever. Of snow, my dog, the cold, my comfy ugg boots, hot chocolate, snow forts, sledding, I even miss snow down my neck, and it makes me think of my family, and WARM hard wood floors instead of marble or ceramic tile everywhere...even though it looks great it's super cold....anyways and I think of the Christmas tree and the good old fireplace channel and all the wonderful baking and such. Christmas is going to be super weird. This week, for some reason, I have been easily annoyed. Not easily frustrated as usual, but easily annoyed. I just don't want to really be around anyone for too long and I want to stay in bed. School is being annoying. I basically found out that I'm not even in the right school! I was supposed to go to a language school. Thanks you unorganized, super dumb people who run the school system. I feel like I'm just the "English girl" and they all just went oh just put her here and here and whatever it doesn't matter she's ENGLISH. And then they realize they forgot something or messed up and are like oh she has no feelings and it won't matter to her if we throw her in more random classes where she has no idea what she's doing. She won't feel upset or anything it's the English Girl remember? I try and just say whatever it's only one year and I don't need the classes....but still. Wouldn't that bug YOU? Even just a little. Deep down inside I've felt like since I've come here I've kinda been a problem. Mostly to the school. That's why they're just throwing me around I think, because it's just too much of a hassle. I don't know. All I know is that one day during math I almost threw my desk out the window. now apparently I have to go to a whole other school twice a week...but this I think for once is a good's language and we're getting somewhere.
But enough about school that's all I know about that.
I kinda feel like I'm losing myself a little bit. At home I normally stay very alone...always in my room or outside or just somewhere alone. Not always because I'm sad or something, it's just how I am it's what I do. I'm a thinker. I like to ponder things (which isn't always good..), I like to day dream and just float into another world. Here, I feel like if I stay in my room for a while that I'm being rude. I know I can't keep myself locked up all the time. I need to get out and hear conversations and stuff and just socialize and whatnot, which isn't a problem. But I don't know how to express that I'm a rather solitary person when I'm at the house. I need to start going for walks and runs. I need to play violin again. I need to draw. I need to do lots of things. So why aren't I doing them? I don't know. It's scaring me a bit quite frankly. I think I fight with myself a lot. I get paranoid and stressed over things that don't even exist. Especially when it involves a boy hahaha.
Speaking of boys, I've realized though many boys are super flirtatious, they all have girlfriends....almost every boy I've met here...I would say half..AT LEAST. That's more than the boys I know who have girlfriends at home. Anyways and they all call each other Amore and such names. And even though they may be flirts, they really actually love (or very close to it) that one person. Their views on what love is and all that gushy stuff are very....non-fake. I don't know how else to say it. Many of the boys at home only care about how hot the girl is...and all the....physical aspects (to put it nicely) of being with a person. And people will break up after a month, not even. It's ridiculous. But the people here have been together for months, even years. I found that quite mazing. It's not uncommon here, whereas at home, it IS uncommon now days if you're a teenager, to be together with someone for so long. People here look for love, not for a one night stand....most of them...except the people at the clubs and such things. Anyways I thought that was interesting. But yeah.
So it's Saturday night and me and Emanuela went out for a little while with some friends just walking around Botricello, but nothing special. Now I'm in bed and I'm tired so I think I'm going to call it quits for now.
-Little Miss Irritated For The Time Being But She Will Get Better Soon She Hopes

Monday, November 1, 2010

An Addition to The Post BeforeThis

I was also told I had beautiful feet....? I thought that was a new one. Just thought I'd throw that in there for anyone who cares.

From School, To Tears, To Farts, To Screams, To Laughs, To Eating Lots And Creepy Men Thursday...more then later that night it was decided that while we go to pick up Doriana from university, we would go shopping. And so, Antonella and Manu and I are on our way to pick up Doriana, when something happens. We are driving peacefully, and there is a car in front of us, which intends to turn right, but for some reason, Antonella thought they were turning left, so we go to the right side of this car...and suddenly we are turning crazily, and both us and the other car come very close to each other. I had no idea what happened. I just sat there stunned. Manu and Antonella were much more agitated than I was...and I couldn't understand what had been so serious, because I didn't know what happened, but I also couldn't understand why I wasn't feeling as agitated as they were. I still don't know whose fault it was (not that it matters). It was explained to me that the car wanted to turn right but Antonella saw the car signal to go left....but I don't actually know if the car in front of us put on the wrong signal or Antonella saw the wrong signal..or both. I don't know. Anyways it was a little scary but everything is ok. After that we just picked up Doriana and came home. Then Antonella and I began to talk about school and I randomly burst into tears. What fun.
So the next day both Manu and I weren't havin the best time.....not an ideal was just a downer. So that night we went out with Doriana, Pietro, Francesco, Flavio, and Gregorio and we went to another town for pizza and Heineken...since we can drink here. My ankles crack now when I walk because we wore high heels again last night. The pizza was sooo good. I ate one whole pizza all by myself :)
After that we went to Francesco's house again where we listened to some System of a Down before Manu, Dory and I had to leave. It was quite fun. Had many laughs and snickers, as well as screams from Emanuela when Doriana didn't notice the car rolling backwards slowly down a hill (we were in the car don't worry). So that was Saturday night.

Sorry it's sideways

From Left to Right: Manu, Me, Pietro (who, by the way was not suppose to be in that picture)

She was talking too much

From Left To Right: Pietro, Manu, Francesco

Sunday we went to Mesoraca (a tiny town in the mountains a little ways from Botricello) to have lunch with Antonella's family. There is only one thing to say about Italian families. They're crazy. Crazy, loud, and loving. I'd say that's pretty good. We ate lasagna again and it was totally yummy, followed by copious amounts of other wonderful food. But before we ate I went and met Antonella's parents, but then we went upstairs to see cousins and sisters and nieces and nephews and anything else you can think of. They all live upstairs from each other. Hmmmm....nope. Don't think I could do that. Sorry guys. Love you all but...seriously. Anyways after I met the family (the whole family), we went back downstairs for lunch. After lunch me, Manu, Dory, and their cousin Alba who is 21 and really cool, went upstairs to her room and put on Saw V. I didn't watch it. I spent the entire time with my face in a pillow and my hands over my ears. I hate horror movies to begin and my over-active imagination. But then on top of that I can't watch blood and guts and gore. Makes me sick. It was one of those movies where you just watch people die in different horrible gross gorey ways. Nope not my style.
Anyways after that the three of us went and wandered about Mesoraca. Basically we just ran up and down the narrow streets and probably disturbing the peace to the max, squealing, giggling, farting (Dory...), and even ringing a doorbell and running away (also Dory). But it is really beautiful. It's basically on the side of a all the streets are not only narrow, but also very twisty and steep. If they ever got ice and snow there it would be treacherous. Thank goodness they don't.
Creek that runs through the valley

The creek goes right through the middle of everything and goes out to the sea

Dory, Alba, Manu

Alba, Manu, me

Mesoraca everyone

I almost got hit by a car taking this picture just so you know

Antonella has lots of pictures of me with the family, I'll try and get some from her for you all to see.
Anyways that night an hour or two after we got home I hear a knock on my bedroom door, and I open it to find Manu bouncing excitedly and telling me in speedy Italian to get ready because tonight, on Halloween night, we're going out dancing. Alright. Sounds like someone wants Italy razed to the ground tonight. Me dancing AND wearing high heels is not a good combination.
Anyways so I went and had a quick shower and did my hair and my make up and then Manu helped me find an outfit which was very fancy, as was hers and Dory's. I'm sorry I have no pictures of this we left everything in the car because there was no coat check or anything so I couldn't bring my camera.
Then Dory re-did my make-up thick, black and heavy because it was Halloween. I thought I looked scary...but I suppose more like a sexy weird wych lady or something weird. Dory's was the same so it was all good. Anyways so then we went outside where their cousin (I can't remember his name) was waiting in his car, as well as their other cousin Domenico and his friend Rafael in another car. However, it was too early and the club/disco tech things weren't open yet, so we waited outside a little cafe and talked to a bunch of people. Well, my main activity at the time was not paying a lot of attention to Domenico who was saying I was his girlfriend which is very very un true and awkward. Annnd yup. Anyways so finally we left and we went to something called Club 21. It kind of sucked. We shared a drink that tasted very yummy and then we left and went to another place called Cheope (pronounced KAY-op). And it was insane. It was packed with people and cars were lined up for quite a ways down the road, and techno was being pumped to the max inside with fog from fog machines filtering out the open doors. When we got in Domenico and Rafael and their other cousin disappeared and Dory, Manu and  I were just grooving when a random guy comes up to Manu and starts dancing with her. Then his friend came over and started "dancing" with me. More like very much bursting my bubble and dancing very weirdly and suggestively. GROSS! If there's one thing I learned from last night, it's that guys in clubs are pervs. Anyways finally Manu rescued me and pulled me away and we went outside because we were so hot. When we went back in I was praying I wouldn't see that guy again. Well it didn't work because he came up and started "dancing" with me again. Only this time, I felt...what is that...teeth?! On my neck?! Ok no way I almost told him to eff off but I couldn't get away so I just shifted my head in a position that made me look like I had some sort of cramp in my neck or something and looked desperately at Manu, who was also trying to escape her weird new friend. Then finally after what seemed like a long and uncomfortable time we got away and booked it outside where we both started going "EEEEEEW OMG BLECH GROSS!!!" and twitching out. And it was decided we needed some beverage. So me, Manu and Dory went up the bar and gave the guy are little free drink things and were given some sort of drink with Red Bull and...things and it was rather yummy. Doriana disappeared and Manu and I went back on the dance floor with our drinks......NO!!! NOT THEM AGAIN AAAAH! Unfortunately yes, it was them again. And it grew extremely uncomfortable to the point where there was an attempted kiss but I clumsily took a big ungraceful swig of my drink in the knick of time and a lot of weird dance moves from me trying to evade wandering hands and finally I couldn't bear it I pushed him away and Manu and I made a break for fresh air and as I passed my hair was fluffed and ugh. Luckily I did not see him again. But if I had seen him again I would've slapped him so hard that he'd fall over. YUCK.
Then things turned sour when Manu's now ex-boyfriend showed up and was being stupid and so she got upset and was crying so I was trying to comfort her and all these people were coming up and asking what was going on. Oy. After a while we found her cousin and he then took over the comforting role and some guy grabbed my hand and tried to get me to come inside and dance and I said no. I'd had enough for one night. But that answer wasn't good enough so I was dragged unwillingly back inside. I wasn't in the mood for dancing and my mind was elsewhere, so basically I just shifted from foot to foot. And THIS guy was irritating. The other one was creepy and gross, this one was annoying. He kept trying to kiss me and I told him I had a boyfriend at home and he said that he's in Canada and didn't need to know but I told him there was no way and I was faithful and after he replied "Lucky him" I thought all that would be settled and finished. But nope. He still kept trying and I kept saying no. Stop. No I'm not going to please don't. But that didn't work. So I pushed him away and I said "No! ENOUGH!" And I went to the bathroom where I found Manu and then It was time for us to go back home. We waited outside for a good while for Dory since no one could find her. And you'd think there would be enough of the creepy guys already for one night but nope. Guess who showed up? The one guy I mentioned long ago who said "You ehhhhhmmmm...very bootiful girl." Remember that one? Yeah. He was there. And he saw that I was cold and gave me a hug to "warm me up" and I just stood there with a tortured look on my face...but at the same time I wanted him to stay there because he was a good wind block.
Then finally we found Dory and we went home.
My feet still hurt from the high heels omg. The paaiiin...
And my eyes are stained from the make up Dory put on me. 
And yes, that was my rather interesting and definitely scary Halloween night.